CNC Machining Techniques For Metal Parts Manufacturing


CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is an emerging manufacturing process that utilizes computer-controlled machines to produce precision metal parts. This technology has revolutionized metal parts manufacturing by making it possible to develop highly accurate and repeatable cuts. This article will explore some CNC machining techniques used in metal parts manufacturing.

2-Axis CNC Machining

2-axis CNC machining is a basic form of CNC machining involving two axes of movement: the X-axis (horizontal) and the Y-axis (vertical direction). This technique often produces simple metal parts that require only two-dimensional cutting, such as flat sheet metal parts. 2-axis CNC machining is relatively simple and inexpensive, but it compromises the creation of complex 3D shapes.

3-Axis CNC Machining

3-axis CNC machining is a more advanced technique that involves three axes of movement: the X-axis, the Y-axis, and the third one, is Z-axis (that refers to the depth). This technique facilitates the creation of more complex 3D shapes and is ideal for creating metal parts with curved surfaces or complex geometries. 3-axis CNC machining is commonly used in the aerospace and automotive industries, where difficult parts with tight tolerances are required.

4-Axis CNC Machining

4-axis CNC machining is a technique that adds a fourth axis of movement, typically a rotary axis, to 3-axis CNC machining. This enables the manufacturer to produce more complex parts that require angled cuts or rounded edges. 4-axis CNC machining is often used in making metal parts for the medical and dental industries and in manufacturing molds for injection molding.

5-Axis CNC Machining

5-axis CNC machining is the most advanced technique of CNC machining, and it works with five axes of movement: the X-axis, the Y-axis, the Z-axis, and two rotary axes. This technique allows the producer to develop complex parts with intricate geometries, such as turbine blades or impellers. 5-axis CNC machining is commonly used in the aerospace, defense, and automotive industries, where high precision and accuracy are the primary focus.

Multi-Axis CNC Machining

Multi-axis CNC machining is a technique that is based on multiple axes of movement, generally six or more. This technique allows manufacturing of highly complex metal parts with intricate geometries and tight tolerances. Multi-axis CNC machining is commonly used in producing metal parts for the medical, dental, and aerospace industries, where precision and accuracy are crucial.

EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining)

EDM is a non-traditional CNC machining technique that uses an electrically charged wire or electrode to cut through metal. This technique is ideal for creating metal parts with intricate geometries, such as molds or dies. EDM is often used to produce metal parts for the automotive, medical, and aerospace industries.

Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting is a CNC machining technique that cuts metal with a high-pressure water jet. This technique is most suited for creating metal parts with complex shapes or designs. Waterjet cutting is commonly used in producing metal parts, especially for the aerospace, automotive, and defense industries.


Fuyuancasting is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of metal parts and CNC machines. Its products are recommended by experts due to their durability, outstanding quality, and flawless finish. They offer all the fantastic products at very affordable prices. Place your order with a trusted metal and machine parts manufacturer and purchase them at wholesale rates worldwide. 



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